MPKG Gayo Arabica Coffee

The Geographical Area

Kopi Arabika Gayo is produced in Gayo Highlands at an elevation between 900 and 1700 metres above sea level.

The Gayo Highlands are on the northern most part of the Bukit Barisan mountain range, which runs from the north to the south of the Sumatera island. Administratively, the Gayo Highlands cover the districts of Aceh Tengah, Bener Meriah and Gayo Lues where the three main towns are respectively Takengon, Simpang Tige Redelong and Blangkejeren. This is part of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province.

For the Kopi Arabika Gayo to be granted Geographical Indication, it needs to be cultivated and processed in this region. Coffee roasting can instead be done in a different geographical area as long as the source of the beans originates from the geographical area of Gayo Highlands.